Capt. Sergio and Capt. George go in search of Sheepshead in Tampa Bay
The captains use all their skills and knowledge to catch Snook in less than two foot of water.
Fishing for Redfish the Cajun way with popping corks and shrimp.
The trio of Captains fish for a variety of inshore species at the south shore of Tampa Bay, Florida.
As the sun comes up the action also hots up, with fast and furious Snook action in Tampa Bay.
Join Captain Sergio for an epic Louisiana redfish adventure in brackish waters
Join Captains Atanes, Hastick, and Rogers for a thrilling Florida fishing adventure
Nature Coast adventure: Capt. Sergio's thrilling redfish and trout fishing expedition
Discover Pine Island Snook fishing secrets with Captain Sergio Atanes
Explore Louisiana's hidden marshes with Griffin Charters, catching redfish in rarely fished waters.