Laroussi – carp fishing holidays in France
March 19, 2014 4:06 pm
One of the best known and most prolific big carp waters in France Laroussi is a mature, natural looking lake of around 15 acres with many interesting features including plateaus, overhanging trees, lily pads, shallows and gullies up to 5m deep. The average depth is around 3m, with a gravel, sand and clay bottom and there are no crayfish or poisson-chats present. There are 7 swims (some doubles) for a maximum of 8 anglers – giving each one over one acre of lake to themselves!It is possible to book the lake exclusively. All the swims are easily accessible and comfortable. The lake is fenced and tree lined making it totally private – it has been left as natural as possible giving a real feel of seclusion.